Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jack - Three Weeks Old

Fall is upon us and this little guy is just under a month old already!  It's also coming up on my favorite time of year!  Since we don't have our house just yet, Granna and the big boys did some decorating for the season at her house. 

They were very excited to go pick out pumpkins with her!  They wanted to carry all the big ones and I think they tried to load about 10 into our shopping cart!  We really only needed a couple, so in the end they each chose a pumpkin and then of course they had to choose one for Jack - they picked out a bundle of the "baby pumpkins" for him.

Finding the perfect pumpkin.

Owen trying to get another pumpkin into the cart.

Blurry, but cute.  Mason trying to help lift the pumpkin into the cart.

Then it was porch decorating time.

Just like their daddy - tounges sticking out always help with concentration!  (Owen)

Now look at Mason.

My boys admiring this amazing little guy.

Stroller rides are relaxing.

Owen watching some tv.

Mason patting Jack, who was getting fussy.

Maybe kisses will help.

Mason hanging out with his little brother.

Mason showing Jack a toy.

Owen is showing off his sticker from school.

Evidently babies don't care about stickers - so Owen showed him the toy too.

Owen really proud of Jack in his outfit!  This was something Owen picked out himself (before Jack was born) and asked me if we could buy it for him.  He is very excited it finally fits him!

Mason can't stand to not get some sugar too.  So here's Mason.

Sweet baby!

Here's a sweet little video of Jack making some of his newborn know, the ones you hope you never forget.  You can hear him do his little snort and see him do his jerky newborn movements.  So adorable!

Owen and Mason have a little mp3 radio and they decided that Jack really wanted to listen to music so they thumbed through their music and chose this song.  As you can see, Jack is so excited! Ha!