Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fun at Home

It seems like our family is always on the go!  Just to prove that we do stay home and have a little fun under our own roof, here are some pics of what we've been up to lately!

We love to make "crafts" as it is called around here.


We like to dress ourselves to look cool, and we even wear our sunglasses on the back of our head, for effect. (Owen).

We keep each other company.  (And in case you didn't know, we really are BFFs!)
Here's Mason (sitting on two stacked stools with his britches down) keeping Owen company while waiting for his turn.

We love playing Candy Land with Bee, Granna, and Numna.  (O, M)

We REALLY love the new iPad!
Here's Mason.

And Owen, complete with helmet, just in case!

We even play nicely together!

We like to play the drum app while the iPad is hooked up to the amp!  (O, M)

Even great-great Aunt Bee gets in on the iPad fun!

We love to play Cootie.  We set this up all by ourselves and can play without Mommy and Daddy's help! (M, O)

We dress up in our new costumes that make us have funny smiles because of the goggles! (Owen)

We make Mommy take our picture, not because we are dressed up too, but just because she took brother's picture.  And then we give the most serious face/pose ever.  (Mason)

Then we build stuff.

We play some more with the iPad, but this time wearing fireman hats. (M, O)

 We take trips to Stomping Grounds to meet up with our BFF, Cate, when she's in town. (M, O)

There you go.  A peek into what we do when we are actually at home!  We are looking forward to easing up on the traveling now that the holidays and January are over with!