Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Visit From Mimi and Papi - 2 Weeks Old

Mimi and Papi just couldn't stay away from their new grandson for more than 2 weeks!  They headed down to Austin for more Jack snuggles.

Jack waited for Mimi and Papi's arrival by spending time with Granddaddy.

This onesie is SO tiny on the hanger!  I know I will look back and not believe it could ever have been loose fitting on him - but here's proof!

Mimi helped Mommy figure out an easier method to bathe a baby with a cord.

Jack actually enjoying this bath much more!

Mimi and Papi with their adorable grandsons! (M, O)

Beautiful boy.

A game of Operation with Mimi. (O, M)

Owen and Mason wanted to hold Jack.  Here's Owen...


My handsome, silly dudes! (M, O)

Similar to the previous, but too CUTE not to post!

Baby yawn!

Visiting with Jack and Mimi (O, M)

It was kind of a game for Owen and Mason to see if they could get Jack to grip a finger.
And they get so happy when he does! (O)

Mimi, Jack, and Owen

 When they've had enough adult time and they need a break, you will often find O and M playing very nicely together making up some story using some props.  This time, pirates! (M, O)

Jack snoozing and making cute little "happy baby" noises as he breathes.
Baby pucker.

Enjoying a nap outside while big brothers play.

Caught a smile.