Saturday, December 8, 2012

15 Months

Oh my gosh, this kid!  I think he's going to be the entertainer of the family!  He loves initiating games that make people laugh or cheer for him.  He will even fake burp if you chuckle or draw attention to his real burp.  He is such a ham lately!

At fifteen months, Jack:
  • weighs 22 lbs. 7 oz. (20%) and is 31.5" tall (57%).
  • makes SURE he is a participant in the world, not just an observer!
  • "speaks" sentences with such expression in his face/gestures and conviction in his voice that I'm convinced he knows exactly what he's trying to say even though it sounds like Mandarin.
  • can climb the big kids ladder AND climbs up the slide without help!  
  • found out he can get on the coffee table and does so on a daily basis.
  • thinks the Roomba is his new toy and immediately goes and turns it back on if you try to turn it off.
  • will throw a fit if he sees Owen and Mason go outside and he can't go.  The boy HAS to be outside.  I don't remember Owen and Mason being SOO into it.
  • has started diving for his bed at night despite his normal routine of snuggling for a few minutes before laying down.  I guess he's just THAT tired.
  • normally goes to bed in the 7:00 hour.
  • naps twice a day. 
  • eats as much (and sometimes more depending on the meal) than the big kids.  It is just about impossible for me to believe this kid is only the 20% for weight (lower on some depending on the chart used)!!
  • has not sprouted any new teeth.  We're still rockin' a very adorable 6-toothed smile.
  • has to get tubes put in his ears in January.
  • has finally mastered walking.  He started really going around 14.5 months, with his first 4 steps being on his 14 month birthday.
  • is building quite the vocabulary but it is still hard to decipher.  Some of the things he says are:
    • bottle (baba) We've switched to sippy cups, but he still says 'baba.'
    • puppy (he says this clear as day)
    • kitty (kee)
    • Jaxson (not exactly sure how he says this one but it's the same 2 syllables every time)
    • bath (ba)
    • outside (sigh) *infrequent
    • Numna (Nuhna)
    • Granddaddy (andada)
    • Dada 
    • hi (clear as day and usually with a great big wave)
    • bye (clear as day but with a little umph behind it to make sure everyone knows its time to go)
    • ball (bah)
    • I want banana (Iwanana)
    • I want bottle (Iwanbaba)
    • light (ight)
    • Mama
    • book (as he brings you a book)
    • button (bu-mmm)
    • night night (nigh nigh as he grabs his blankie and lays on it)
    • poo poo *infrequent
    • uh-oh (usually said before he drops something to the ground)
    • Jack (dat) *haven't heard this one too much, may have been a fluke
    • rock (says 'ock' and points at the pavement, rock, etc)
    • moon (moong)
  • knows where his belly button is.
  • understands simple phrases like "let's go take a bath," "let's go outside/bye bye" and demonstrates his understanding by going or doing whatever the action is.
  • likes to bring people their shoes.  Actually, he has no idea who's shoes belong to who so he just brings you any shoes.
  • gets a huge grin when he spots the moon after being asked where it is.  
  • loves sitting in Mommy's lap and watching videos of himself or his brothers on the phone.
  • has made it his mission in life to shut all of our doors even if it means closing himself in the room.
  • has discovered the joy of "I'm gonna get you" by walking around and around our kitchen/living room wall, all while squealing and looking over his shoulder.
  • thinks the world looks cool if he bends over and looks between his legs upside down.  He chooses to do this at very random times which make for some pretty funny moments.
  • enjoys making up games like "fall down on purpose" and "say uh-oh as I step off the hearth slab."
  • turns his riding toys on their side so he can spin the wheels (and if he could, he'd flip real cars on their sides too!)!
  • climbs up and down stairs like he's been doing it for years.
  • still has a 'thing' for Granddaddy.
  • has some sort of magnetic opposition to the direction we want him to walk.  He turns right back around if you redirect him.  You pretty much have to pick him up, spin in a circle or two so he loses his bearings, and set him back down the way you want him to go.
  • LOVES being read to.  He will bring you books and climb up in your lap.
  • adores Numna and will sit with her and listen to her talk to him for a long time.
  • can't help but dance when he hears music.  He also has to click his tongue to the beat.
  • plays independently pretty well.  
  • is OBSESSED with things he can push.  He loves Owen and Mason's toy shopping carts and happily crashes them into our walls.  He loves to help me push the stroller when we're out and we have to hide Numna's walker if you hope to get his attention.  He has also been known to ditch the stroller and make a b-line for a stranger's shopping cart and take over for them.
  • has an unusually long attention span when it comes to matchbox cars.  He loves tinkering with the wheels.
  • has a devilish twinkle in his eye and an expression in his brow that can probably be attributed to his Uncle Kyle!