Holy cow! Where did the last year go? It seems like just yesterday that Jack made his surprise debut into our family of four. It is safe to say our lives are busier, our house is louder, and our hearts are bursting with more love than we know what to do with. Owen and Mason became big brothers a year ago. It was this little 6 lb, 6 oz baby that showed them how to love outside of themselves - something parents cannot fully teach. Owen and Mason were crazy about him when he was born, and are even more crazy about him now - even when he swipes their toys, cries too loud, takes up Mommy's time or Daddy's lap, and on and on. Seeing my kids respond like this warms me to my core. Jack just makes life beautiful.
We had a little party for him on his actual birthday, which happen to fall on a Saturday. I love it when that happens! The theme was "Little Man," complete with mustaches, bright colors, and an adorable birthday boy! Seeing as how Jack doesn't really have "friends" yet, we kept the party to mostly family and a few close friends. It was the perfect amount of everything!
Because Jack was born two days before his shower, he never received any sweet notes from friends and family.
We decided to do a "Wishes for Jack" keepsake for each guest to fill out. |
"Wet Your Whiskers" tags, designed by Daddy |
Mustache shaped sandwiches for the kids |
Big cake with "Happy Birthday" pennant made by Mommy |
Adorably tiny smash cake! |
Cupcakes with toppers designed by Daddy |
Cute pinwheels with mustache centers made by Mommy
Ella enjoying the manwiches, Jack really wanting a manwich |
What's a mustache party without a photo booth!? |
Pics with the man of the hour! |
Aunt Manda and Jack |
Granna and Granddaddy |
Owen and Mason |
Aunt Lindsay and Jack |
With Daddy |
Great Grandmother, Numna |
Great-great-aunt, Bee
Big kid sword fight |
Little kid block stool |
All these boys were in Lego heaven!
Next it was time for "pin the mustache on the mommy" (or daddy).
Brock pinning mustache #2 as a unibrow!
Brock, Jenni, and Brody
Emma sticking it to her mommy, Desoree!
Well placed, Julian!
Kate very carefully brushed her mom's hair from her face as to not get it caught in the mustache.

Ella gave her Mommy, Katie, and nice and tidy mustache.
Brisa got a high and tight from Nicholas...
...and a unibrow from Benjamin!
Mason took his mustache placement very seriously!
Owen thought it was great that I had to wear a mustache!
Jack trying to pin one on Mommy.
Nice aim, Jack!
(Actually, these pictures were taken in reverse. I had on the mustache and Jack decided he
needed to remove it. It was too perfect a sequence swap that I had to do it!)
Mr. Spencer didn't mind his mustache. He gave his best serious face for the occasion.
I am fairly certain that Papi had a mustache just like this back in old Mexico!
Jaxson wears his well. Now he REALLY looks French!
Emma didn't want her picture taken for future blackmail purposes, but we got it anyway!
Ella, however, didn't mind a bit and makes quite a beautiful man.
The whole gang of monopoly guys.
Jack waiting for his birthday cake...
Playing with a balloon might be more awesome than cake!
Here comes the smash cake!
He spies the lit candle and wants to grab it!
He forgets about the candle and notices bunches of kids singing to him.
Time to smash! First one finger. (Mason thinks it is hilarious)
Then a palm...
And a fist-full into the mouth.
Going back for more!
Happy about cake!
He kinda ate a lot of his cake. (which came back to haunt him at 2 am)
Cake and icing...what life is all about!
Onto presents!
A few presents from some very generous friends and family!
Plate from Mommy and Daddy
Little green popper car from Mason.
Jack getting a lesson from his brothers on how to work it.
A toy remonte control from Owen, who is showing him how to make it talk.
A new book from Kate and Julian.
I didn't get a picture of the actual gift, but here is Jack sitting on top of his new trike
(with parents controlled handle). He just looks so cute!
Jack at his birth time, 10:27 pm, September 8, 2012.
Sleepy birthday boy!