Aaron had to head to Galveston back in March for a convention at the Moody Gardens Hotel, so we packed up the fam and went with him. It was just an overnight trip so we figured it was manageable for our first road trip as a family of 5.
As it turns out, it was NOT as easy as it used to be! With the arrival of Jack, Aaron's school schedule, and the fact that family help is now IN town, we travel SO much less than we used to! We certainly didn't realize just what good little travelers Owen and Mason had become. We were all out of practice! What was supposed to take us about 4 hours ended up taking us 6! On top of that, Owen came down with a fever. He felt okay the first day but he was pretty miserable for the drive home. We did make a couple of stops once we got into town, though. The first was a quick visit to our old pediatrician, Dr. Nguyen. We loved her so much so we wanted to say hi and introduce her to Jack. It was great but I completely forgot to snap a picture. Boo.
We also stopped by our old house. The kids remembered it and really wanted to go peek in the window. Too bad there was a car in the driveway. It was kind of weird showing Jack where we used to live, not that he'll remember his visit.
We finally made it to Galveston and Aaron headed off to do his thing while the kids and I hit the pool. Luckily, Owen was feeling pretty good from his Tylenol and was able to enjoy himself. The kids were SOOO excited for their first dip in a pool this year. We lucked out with a heated pool at the hotel. Paige was even able to join us poolside for the evening! It turned out to be pretty fun!
The next day we hit the pool again, but this time Jack took his first dip. He thought it was pretty awesome and loved splashing his feet.
On our way out of town, Aaron managed to run us down to 1 mile left in our gas tank while stuck in the HOV lane. That was fun.
This is how we held hands in the parking lot. They INSISTED on holding Jack's hands. (M, O) |
First swim of the season (O, M) |
Paige and Jack lounging by the pool.
Owen feeling better for a while. |
Mason excited to be swimming! |
Mason |
Jack's first swim ever. (O, M) |
Snacks after swimming. (M, O) |