Here's how Jack spent his first Christmas:
Snoozing with Great-Great Aunt Bee.
Christmas Eve Dinner: lasagna made by my hubby. It sure was tasty! Then we took a group picture...but the silly faces version was more fun to post!
Jack and Great Grandma Mary having a talk.
Watching a Disney Christmas sing-along.
Granna and her boys (O, M)
My three precious gifts! (O, M)
Aunt Lindsay getting some silly kisses!
Our family of five on Christmas Eve. (M, O)
Granna, Granddaddy, Mason, Owen, and Jack on Chrismas Eve.
Mimi, Papi, and G-gma Mary with our family (O, M)
Baking peppermint chocolate chip cookies for Santa. (O, M)
Christmas jammies on and back to frost the cookies (M, O)
Setting out carrots for the reindeer.
Owen wrapping Mason's present.
To Mason, From Owen (SO sweet!!)
Now it's Mason's turn to wrap Owen's gift.
To Owen, From Mason
Jack was in a great mood and enjoyed watching all the activity from his swing.
My three boys in their Christmas jammies and heading for bed. (O, M)
Santa came!
Christmas morning - Mimi and Jack
Mason and Owen checking out their goodies.
Making sure Jack wasn't left out, Owen and Mason took time to show him what Santa brought.
Helping Jack unwrap his present.
Mason showing Jack what he got for him.
Owen telling Jack about the gift he picked out for him.
Too much Christmas excitement for one day!
Awake again and enjoying the handmade blankie from Great Grandma Mary.
Jack's First Christmas train bank - just like the ones Owen and Mason got on their first Christmas.
Enjoying their cool gift from Granna and Granddaddy! (O, M)
Gotta obey the traffic laws!
New, BIGGER, bikes! Here's Mason.
Owen on his big new bike.
Christmas Day cuteness (O, M)
Reading Jack his new book (O, M)
Daddy getting some snuggles from Jack.
Happy boy on his new blankie.
Laughing with Granna.
Jack and Mommy on Christmas Day.
Mommy and Daddy with Jack on his first Christmas.
Mason, Owen, and Jack with Granna and Granddaddy on Christmas Day.
Our family on Christmas Day (M, O)
Lindsay and Brandon
Granna giving Jack his special blankie.
Jack's first stocking.
Cuddling with his new puppy.
A cute Chip and Dale ornament for Jack's first Christmas from Mommy and Daddy.
Lindsay, Mason, and Owen playing Magic Kingdom Candy Land.
Pooped out after a great first Christmas!