Back in May (yes, I know it's been a while since I've blogged) Aaron was feeling extra science-y and wanted to make slime with the kids. He took them to the store in search of Borax and all the other ingredients. They came home and got to work.
Owen pouring some water...
And Mason getting his ready too...
Add a little of this...(M)
Lots of glue...(O)
Add some color (M)
And stir...(O)
Looks pretty cool! (O)
Mason's pretty proud of his slime.
And he thinks it's pretty funny too!
Let's get slimy!
Owen's not too sure...
He looks over to Mason for affirmation that it's okay to touch...
Still not sure...
But Mason loves it!
Okay, maybe just ONE finger...
A whole hand...but it still feels weird...
Not so bad after all!
Yeah! Getting dirty!
Mason cutting it and serving it like ice cream