This past Saturday we decided to take the kids to College Station to experience game day at Kyle Field. We did not actually go to the game (not brave enough to take 2 toddlers just yet) but we had fun partaking in some pre-game traditions, the most fun being parking really far away and walking to the stadium. I kid. We barely missed the team walking into the stadium/practice facilities, but we enjoyed the kid zone for quite a while, saw uncle Kyle and Manda at their tailgate spot, and watched the Corps march in. The kids really thought the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band was pretty awesome. We even got to take the kids potty in a maroon port-o-potty. Maroon doesn't make it any more fun, let me tell you. Once it was game time, we headed to the car and hit up an old favorite lunch spot and did a little shopping. The day was quite fun and we look forward to taking the kids back for an actual game! Oh, and let me just say how HAPPY we are that we BTHO Texas Tech! WHOOP!
Click here for some pics of our Aggie fans: