Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's day this year came one day after the fun, yet exhausting, Rock N Roll 3rd birthday party!  The house was trashed, Jaxson ate some of Bella's meds, and people had to head back to their homes.  But, none of it mattered because we all enjoyed spending the day together anyway!  We celebrated with Mimi the night before since they had a long drive and headed out early Sunday.  We celebrated with Mommy, Granna, Numna, and Bee for dinner that evening.  Owen and Mason made me some lovely bookmarks and cards at school, as well as a cute flower pot with their hand prints on them.  They were SO excited for me to open their gifts!  I am so blessed to have been a mother for THREE years now.  I couldn't ask for anything better than these two awesomely precious boys that call me Mommy!

Click here for a few more pics:
Mother's Day 2010