Wednesday, June 9, 2010

May 10, 2010 - The REAL Deal

Owen and Mason's real birthday fell on a Monday, a work day (for Daddy), and a school day for the birthday boys.  This was the first birthday (of many) that I was not with them the entire day.  I have to admit, it was a bit sad knowing that they are growing up so fast, that only a few short years ago they needed me for everything.  And here we are, three years later, sending them off the school to learn independence.  Sigh.  But, we made the most of it!  Of course, we woke up and opened one gift before school.  Then, Mommy and Daddy both surprised them at school for their little celebration.  In keeping with tradition, Mommy snapped a picture of them at their actual birth times, which happened to be right at the end of the school day.  We then waited for Daddy to come home from work so we could start the fun!

Being three, Owen and Mason had very specific plans for how they wanted to celebrate their actual birthday with Mom and Dad.  First, they wanted to play golf at the "golfing place" and then they wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese.  Cate and her family were meeting us there and boy were they excited!  On the way, O and M told us they need four "golfing things" (clubs)..."one for Mason, one for Owen, one for Mommy, and one for Daddy."  I reminded them Cate was coming too and asked them again how many we would need.  There was a pause and you could see their little brains turning.  "FIVE!!!"  YES!  My smarties did addition in their heads!  I was proud, even if doing math in your head is a little nerdy!

We spent the next hour or so playing putt putt (okay, rolling the ball down the fun courses), and then headed over to Chuck E. Cheese for some pizza and games.  Somehow we ended up with a TON of tokens.  Owen, Mason, and Cate knew it too, and wouldn't let us leave without using every last one....sooo, us adults had to get in on the ticket-winning action.  We finally headed home for some cake, candles, the birthday song, and a few more presents.  My poor three year olds were exhausted by the end of the day but they had fun.  You only turn THREE once!  Live it up!

Owen and Mason's (actual) birthday