Monday, November 16, 2009


So this year was Owen and Mason's first year to go trick-or-treating. We didn't do much to prep them for it other than explaining it a day or so before the big day. Later that day I heard Mason griping at Owen for "not keeping his hands to himself." Of course, I had to go regulate and when I asked Owen what he was doing he told me "I knock on Mason and get candy!" Evidently he thought he could knock on something and it would spew candy all over the place. I suppose he was disappointed when he discovered that wasn't the case, but the actual trick-or-treating the next night did plenty to make up for it.

We started Halloween by heading to our neighborhood Halloween festival, which wasn't too much more than a moonwalk, but the kids were thrilled. Later that evening we had a couple of families over for some pumpkin painting, cookie decorating, and trick-or-treating. Matthew, our neighbor's little boy, lead Owen and Mason to the first house and showed them the ropes. That's all it took. After they realized that candy was involved, they were all three sprinting to the rest of the houses. I saw Mason running with this hilarious expression on his face that seemed to say, "outta my way, I got this down!" He was dead serious! I figured they'd last for about 15-20 minutes but we had to drag them home after an hour! Their pirate hats and hooks didn't make it out our front door, but my two little pirates wore those darn eye patches for the entire hour of trick-or-treating!

Overall, they had a blast and they looked darn cute in their costumes!

Halloween 2009