Aaron and I have been back and forth over whether to return our existing cribs and find new, 'deeper' cribs, or somehow modify the ones we have to make the spring lower. You're probably thinking, why don't they just use the new brackets that are being shipped to 'fix' the recall problem? The answer is simple. One silly inch isn't going to prevent future nosedives from the top of the crib. I spoke with my pediatrician and she said the sides of her kids' cribs went up to their chins. She has safely gotten three boys through 'crib-hood,' and she has never, ever given us advice or suggestions that didn't work wonderfully. We figured we should take it from someone who has seen every crib-diving scenario possible. So, to the chin it is!
On a side note, try to avoid the use of JC Penney as the middle man when purchasing furniture. We had more problems than we can count trying to get the furniture to our house before the babies were born. And now that there is a recall situation, one department of JCP is telling me that we can return the cribs for our money back, and another department is telling me that we can not. We learned the hard way that the lovely folks at JCP don't know their a$$ from their elbow. Bless their little hearts.
So, upon looking at numerous cribs online and in person, we ultimately decided that we should try to modify the ones we have. Aaron being an engineer and me having gone through college for architecture, we had a very lengthy discussion on exactly how to go about this modification. It sounds (and looks) very simple, but once you look at the edges of all the brackets, crib sides, nail heads, etc., you realize it's not quite as straight forward as it seems. The following explains why: *Nerd Alert* No two objects can occupy the same space at the same time. -Pauli Exclusion Principle.
So, Aaron is at Wal-Mart as we speak, purchasing a few things to fix this headache of a situation! I'll let you know how it goes...