At two months old, Jack
- weighs 10 lbs, 14 oz - a gain of 4 lbs, 8 oz since birth (25th percentile)
- is 21.75 inches tall - a growth of 3.25 inches since birth
- Is transitioning from being a newborn to a baby
- Loves to look around and discover the world
- Concentrates hard and tries to copy when you stick your your tongue out
- Loves lights and the stripes of the light coming through the closed blinds
- Started smiling at seven weeks
- Rolls from his tummy to his back (although he needs to be propped up on his arms)
- Has slept for 8 or 9 hours a few times
- Still drinks breast milk
- Is pretty easy going
- Loves his swing
- Is a perfect little boy, according to his doctor